Professions in demand for women. Highly paid professions in Russia for girls. – chief technologist of the gold mining industry

Parents always want their children to be employed in the future, and therefore, when a child graduates from school, a caring father and mother want him to enter an educational institution that will provide a prestigious, in-demand and highly paid profession. Consequently, many closely monitor the relevance of a particular profession in the labor market, because the situation in this market changes quite often, and if a few years ago employers were literally hunting for employees of certain specialties, now the attention of business owners, companies and headhunters completely different specialists.

Older people probably remember how prestigious it was during the Soviet Union to work at one enterprise for a long time - 20 or, for example, 30 years. Such specialists were set as an example to everyone, they were awarded diplomas and various kinds of valuable gifts. Today, times are different - the USSR is long gone, and the planned Soviet economy has been replaced by a market economy, which requires universalism and flexibility from workers.

The situation in the national economy, trying to get out of the crisis, is constantly changing, and following it, changes occur in the labor market. Accordingly, the professions for which there is an increased demand from employers are also changing. Therefore, it is quite difficult to give an exact answer to the question of which professions will be most in demand in 2020, since various studies conducted, including by sociologists, show different results. Moreover, even considering a specific period, for example, 2018, one can see a change in the preferences of employers - this is evidenced by detailed research. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it is now unlikely that anyone can predict with 100 percent accuracy which professions will be most in demand in 2020. However, certain trends can still be traced here.

State order is being revived in the Russian Federation

Today in the Russian Federation, such a slightly forgotten concept as state order is being revived, when professions for which a certain number of specialists should be trained are compiled at the government level, and then this list is “released” to the country’s educational institutions. The logic of the country’s leadership in this case is quite clear - private universities make their own decisions about what professions they will train, while a number of specialties simply cannot attract applicants otherwise due to the deplorable state of the industries in which they will work after receiving the appropriate education .

Taking into account the state order and data from a number of studies, it is possible, for example, to compile a list of the most relevant professions for women in the Russian Federation, starting from 2018 and currently:

  • psychologists, including family psychologists;
  • ecologists;
  • service workers;
  • marketers;
  • experts in the field of nanotechnology;
  • IT specialists;
  • doctors;
  • engineers;
  • teachers (schools and secondary educational institutions).

One point should be particularly emphasized here - engineers and teachers today are among the most in-demand professions in the country, however, the level of payment for specialists here is quite low. At the same time, top managers and workers in the oil and gas industry receive fairly high salaries, but the demand for them is not very high. The exception is top managers of the highest level - headhunters are constantly hunting for such specialists, trying to lure them away with more favorable conditions or broader prospects. Taking this circumstance into account, we can conclude: in today’s Russia it is too early to equate the most in-demand and highest-paid professions.

The most in-demand professions in 2020 – forecast

As mentioned above, it is quite difficult to give a clear forecast as to which professions will be most in demand on the Russian labor market in 2020, for a number of reasons. However, based, for example, on data for 2018, and after carefully studying the trends observed both in the labor market and in the national economy, it is still possible to make an approximate forecast.

Here it is worth considering that the modern Russian labor market is quite flexible and dynamic, and the demand for labor depends on the direction in which technology is developing and on the macroeconomic situation. But here one should also take into account such an important point as the duration of the reorganization of professional training areas by educational institutions - this takes a lot of time.

Taking into account all the above circumstances, 4 professions will be in high demand in the Russian Federation in 2020:

  • builders;
  • specialists in the field of PR and advertising;
  • service workers;
  • engineers.

Builders will be the most in demand in 2020, as the demographic situation in the country is gradually improving. Yes, the pace of this process is slow, but there are still changes for the better. Naturally, with the improvement of the demographic situation, the need for new housing will increase, and accordingly, builders will be in increased demand in the labor market. High demand for builders will also contribute to the development of business, which will need new production facilities, retail space, warehouse space, and so on.

However, the most in-demand professions in Russia in 2020 will still be related to intellectual work. There is nothing surprising here, since the country is gradually moving from the industrial stage of its development to the information one, therefore, after 4 years, the highest demand in the labor market should be for specialists who can work with their heads:

  • sales managers;
  • translators and linguists;
  • IT specialists and experts in the field of computer software;
  • scientists - in particular, in the fields of space research, aircraft manufacturing, mechanical engineering, medicine, and programming.

Specialists working in the service sector will be in high demand. Until humans are replaced by robots, these professions can safely be called eternal. The demand for such professions increases as business develops, and the requirements put forward by employers to those wishing to get a job change quite dynamically, depending on the current economic situation.

Of course, choosing a profession is an important stage in the life of every person, because work will not only feed you, but will also allow you to enjoy life.

Your choice should be based both on your own abilities and inclinations, and on market conditions. For example, there is currently an acute shortage of blue-collar skills on the market; they will be able to find employment without difficulty drivers, food sellers, cooks and construction workers, among highly qualified workers there is a demand for doctors, teachers, engineers and accountants.

If you are the owner of the named profession, then any labor exchange will find a vacancy for you, but if you are just choosing your calling, then you should familiarize yourself with the list of promising professions for the next 5 years.

List of in-demand professions in Russia 2020

Among the general list of the most needed professions 2015-2020. called:

1. IT specialists(programmers, database or server hardware administration specialists, web designers).
As the reality around us is increasingly filled with computers and information technologies, the demand for specialists with the appropriate education will only grow.

2. Engineers.
Most large industrial enterprises have long experienced a shortage of engineering personnel, and despite the fact that the crisis has a negative impact on the growth of production and the pace of construction, in the near future the need for qualified engineers will grow.

3. Marketing specialists
In a situation of economic instability, market oversaturation, and falling consumer demand, many companies will be interested in a competent marketer who can promote a product or service and bring it to the end consumer.

4. Representatives of social professions (teachers, doctors).
If the subject of work is directly related to the basic needs of a person, then its relevance will always be high. The aging of society and the environmental situation increase the demand for medical workers, and the need for new knowledge will provide work for specialists in the field of education.

5. Translator.
Although knowledge of a foreign language will gradually become a necessary addition to most professions, the inevitable expansion of intercultural relations will lead to an increase in demand for specialists in the field of linguistics.

List of in-demand female professions 2020

In general, the modern world of work offers ample opportunities to realize individual abilities, regardless of age and gender. However, if you wish, you can name the top 5 most in-demand female professions in 2020, among them:

  1. Doctors;
  2. HR specialists;
  3. Psychologists;
  4. Specialists in the field of trade and services;
  5. Teachers.

All of the above professions require high stress resistance, developed communication skills and empathy, which makes them more suitable for the female part of the working population. In addition, many “female” professions provide such advantages as a flexible schedule and part-time work, which makes it easier to combine professional and family responsibilities.

List of in-demand working professions 2020

Knowledge of current trends in the social and economic spheres allows us not only to list the top most in-demand professions, but also to trace the general shift in supply and demand in the Russian labor market.

The Government's policy in the field of increasing the prestige of workers in the profession has already led to an increase in the number of applicants wishing to study in secondary specialized educational institutions. Among the most in-demand blue-collar professions by 2020 are:

  1. Construction-related professions ( mason, mechanic, welder, turner etc.) Already, a significant share of all vacancies on the labor market are associated with professions in the main production specialties, and the inevitable increase in the pace of construction can greatly increase the demand for such specialists;
  2. Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. With the advent of new equipment, there is also a need for its repair and maintenance, and the development of information technology leads to the need to lay cables and install appropriate equipment;
  3. Installers(for example, specialists in installing plastic windows);
  4. Technologists, especially in the chemical and food industries;
  5. Operators for working with various industrial equipment(for example, drillers or machinists)

Of course, among blue-collar specialists, employees with professional experience are especially valued. It is for this reason that young specialists need to be especially attentive to the development of important professional skills and abilities.

Despite the wide opportunities provided by the modern labor market, the main thing for successful employment remains the desire to work.


The demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages and shapes the specifics of the market. There are many jobs that pay well in most countries in the world. There are such specialties in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are many specialties that, once mastered, can make a good profit. Highly paid jobs in Russia:

  1. High level manager. This is the highest paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Banking executives earn more. The work requires maximum employment; you will have to work 14–15 hours a day. Salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Internal Communications Manager. This specialty involves organizing the work of company employees. For this you can receive from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary – from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​and world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft, are required. This direction is the leader among those in demand.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have enormous responsibility. The upper level is 350 tr.
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 thousand rubles.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in great demand. At the entry level, the salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. A specialist with extensive work experience and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and purchasing managers. The size of the salary is influenced by the region, business sector, corporate policy and other factors. The average level of payment is 45 thousand rubles.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive work experience and recommendations receives 100–200 rubles.
  9. Logistician The average payment is 45 thousand rubles. What is important here is not theoretical knowledge, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

The popular belief that it is difficult for a woman to find a well-paid job is wrong. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist – 100–300 tr.
  2. Advertising Manager. Girls are successful in this area. By getting a job as an advertising manager and proving yourself early on, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Beauty industry specialties. There are many professions in this area, each of which can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the girl’s skill level, the range of services provided, and the level of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 tr.
  5. Tourism manager. Having taken a leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. An additional bonus is frequent travel.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have access to almost all highly paid professions. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This job is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Construction sector. Most specialties in this category are for men. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered in demand and highly paid. SMM specialists are engaged in promotion on social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

It's sad, but in our country doctors don't earn too much. List of lucrative medical jobs:


Average monthly salary (rubles)




Ultrasound specialist





Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. Some blue-collar jobs don't even require higher education. To receive a good salary, you need to diligently fulfill your responsibilities and develop. You can become an employee of a large company, a small team, or even start your own business. Rating of highly paid and in-demand working specialties:

IT industry specialists

Earnings in this area are good. The highest paid IT specialties:


Software engineer

System engineer

System Administrator

Software Developer


Web developer

Graphic Designer

Systems Analyst


Financial analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The pay in this area is decent. Profitable vacancies:


Average monthly salary (thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Directional or directional drilling engineer




Automatic operator and surveyor

Desalting and dewatering plant operator and technologist


For humanists

You don't have to be technically minded to make good money. There are many humanities professions that bring good income. The following are well paid:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To become a good brand manager, you need to have a creative streak. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person giving private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also falls into the humanitarian category; there is no upper limit here.

The highest paid job in Moscow

In the capital and regions, salary levels differ significantly. Muscovites receive approximately twice as much. What professions of capital residents are considered the highest paid:

  • IT specialist;
  • lawyer;
  • tax officer;
  • accountant;
  • marketing specialists;
  • auditor;
  • production manager.

Highest paying professions in the world

Each country creates certain socio-economic conditions. This also influences the formation of the list of highly paid professions in the world. It includes:

  • doctors: surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, etc. – 150–180 thousand dollars per year;
  • senior level managing managers – annual salary $135,000;
  • airline pilots – $134,000;
  • market analysts – $111,000;
  • lawyers – $11,000;
  • IT specialists – $105,000;
  • advertising managers – $100,000;
  • breeders, genetic engineers – $97,000.

Professions of the future

It will take some time, but IT specialists, engineers, and technicians will still be in demand. It is difficult to predict how the level of wages will change in the future. According to experts, in 3–5 years the following areas will become more popular:

  • scientists (biologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians);
  • doctors;
  • aircraft designers;
  • professions in the field of nano- and biotechnologies;
  • engineers of the rocket and space industry;
  • builders;
  • professions related to the design and laying of highways;
  • shipbuilders;
  • test pilots.


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Every year the labor market is replenished with new specialties, the world is developing, and the demand for personnel is growing every year. However, in such a financially difficult situation that has now developed in our country, it is quite difficult to predict which specialty will be more in demand in a few years.

But at this stage we can study the list of those professions that will be especially popular next year. What in-demand professions in 2017 are offered by the labor market to future graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

Top 10 specialties in Russia

The summer of 2017 will be marked by graduations at universities and other educational institutions, and the labor market will be replenished with tens of thousands of available personnel.

  1. Managers of sales departments and customer service departments. A huge number of stores and shopping centers are opening in our country, so the specialty of a sales manager and sales consultant consistently ranks first among all professions in the Russian Federation.
  2. Engineer, architect, designer. In recent years, the housing construction market has been developing very actively, with a large number of cultural, industrial and retail facilities being built. A large number of construction companies have appeared in Russia, which require qualified personnel, as well as working “hands” (masons, roofers, carpenters, painters, etc.). Working professions are among the most popular, so masters of their craft will always remain in demand.
  3. The list of the most “needed” professions is headed by workers in the field of IT technologies. The field of computer technology is developing with incredible force, which increases the demand for these specialties. According to many analysts, “IT specialists” will be in demand for another dozen years. Now the most popular areas are the development of websites, various computer programs, and applications.
  4. Bank employees. There are a huge number of banks and other financial institutions in our country, which entails a demand for banking professions.
  5. In 2016, there was a real breakthrough in a previously rare specialty - SMM worker. SMM activities involve promoting various products and services on social networks. SMM specialists will also be in demand in 2017; every year this industry will develop more actively, and accordingly, earnings in this area will increase several times. What a specialist should know: thoroughly work in social media. networks, fully study the functionality of each of the platforms, must be able to create various communities (groups, events, etc.), buy advertising space from administrators of popular groups, etc.
  6. Medical specialties. Now, in addition to government services in the field of medicine, paid medical care is actively developing, a large number of clinics and medical services are opening. centers. Therefore, the specialty of a doctor has been included in the list of popular professions for many years in a row. The highest paid doctors are: dentists, surgeons, gynecologists, nutritionists, dermatologists. Following the example of Western countries, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists have replenished the in-demand medical specialties on the Russian labor market.
  7. Marketers. With great competition among various goods and services, this profession is very popular, and Internet marketing and SEO promotion are especially actively developing.
  8. Risk manager. This new specialty for our country is increasingly gaining momentum; workers in this industry most often work in the banking sector. Experts assess risks in the financial sector and determine whether a particular area of ​​business is worth investing in. These professions in Russia will become even more popular in 2017.
  9. Service specialists (administrators, other service personnel). Hotels, fitness centers, beauty salons, etc. - in each of the establishments, clients are greeted by these employees. Therefore, service specialists are also included in the category “Professions in Demand in 2017.”
  10. Translators, linguists. International cooperation between companies is now actively developing; knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required in almost any area of ​​business. And in recent years, the demand for English and Chinese translators has been especially great.

Popular specialties in the capital

Every year thousands of people come to the capital of our Motherland in search of paid work; many believe that it is in Moscow that one can find the most in-demand specialty. Let's look at what are the most in-demand professions that the capital's labor market will offer us in 2017? The list is quite extensive, some of the highest paid are:

  • cosmetologist. There are a huge number of beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics in the capital; cosmetology is one of the most common areas;
  • cook. Moscow is a big city with an incredible number of different cafes and restaurants, so the demand for culinary professions is very high;
  • brand manager. It was the highest competition in the field of goods and services that opened up this profession. Every company that puts any product or service on the market simply needs an intelligent brand manager. It is the workers in this field who promote the brand so that it has become the most recognizable on the market;
  • specialists in the field of real estate and construction. Urban planning is developing very actively in Moscow, and due to the huge influx of visitors, the demand for realtors and other real estate professionals is growing;
  • manager-consultants. There is no such number of stores in any city in our country; grocery and hardware stores, car dealerships, furniture stores, cellular communications, etc. - personnel are required everywhere;
  • highly qualified personnel in the field of IT technologies. It is in this area that you can earn a fortune, which is why all the most famous “IT specialists” work in the capital;
  • top managers. In most cases, all head offices of companies are located in Moscow, therefore, intelligent managers will always be required;
  • orthopedic dentist Nowadays, a beautiful “Hollywood” smile has become a symbol of wealth, so many people invest a fortune in straight and snow-white teeth;
  • administrators, clerks. Any manager dreams of a smart assistant, so there will always be a demand for these professions;
  • nutritionist. Advanced metropolitan residents are simply obsessed with proper nutrition, which is why dietetics is a particularly popular field in medicine;
  • marketing specialists. In Moscow, the professions of advertising and contextual advertising managers are especially popular. The salaries of workers in this area sometimes reach up to 200 thousand rubles per month.

In this article, we have listed the most in-demand professions in 2017, as you can see that the demand for the previously popular specialties of lawyers and economists has long declined, so you need to master modern areas of activity. If you want to earn more, discover new ways of development for yourself.

Choosing a future profession is a very important stage in a person’s life. A person’s standard of living, career opportunities and morale will depend on the type of occupation. Indeed, you need to choose a profession that will bring you joy and self-confidence. You also shouldn’t forget about financial benefits, because the essence of work is earning money.

What professions will be in demand in 2017:

The demand for certain specialists forms the concept of the demand for professions in the labor market. Recently, due to the instability of the economic situation and the increasing risks of job loss, many specialists are looking for the opportunity to obtain additional education or retraining in professions and specialties for which the situation in demand is more stable

  • Sales department specialists;
  • IT specialists;
  • There are many vacancies that do not require work experience, and, therefore, the chance of finding a job for an undemanding applicant increases.
  • Bank employees;
  • Engineers and workers specializing in production and construction. The demand for mechanics, electricians, welders, and installers will not fall. The labor market is oversaturated with demand for blue-collar skills and good masters of their craft will not be left without work;
  • Marketers. With great competition between the goods and services produced, a marketer will be an indispensable employee in any large enterprise. Developing marketing strategies to promote an enterprise to the market, concluding new deals and increasing sales levels is the main task of a marketer in 2017;
  • Service specialists. Computer and mobile equipment repairers, cleaning specialists, nurses and nannies will be no less in demand than other specialties. This is facilitated by the level of employment of people who cannot do everything and are obliged to turn to the service industry for help.
  • Among humanities specialists, administrative personnel, including translators, will be in demand. Market relations are aimed at working with foreign partners in terms of import and export. In this regard, qualified translators will be worth their weight in gold. Mostly translators must know Chinese, English, Italian and German in order to freely negotiate with foreigners and work with documentation.

List of in-demand professions in Russia 2017

In Russia, the economic situation has worsened a little, but life continues to be in full swing. In 2017, the demand for bank employees and lawyers will decrease slightly, as the supply market is oversaturated with these specialties, but they are still in demand. Almost all areas will need good workers:

  • Sales and customer service. This direction occupies a stable first place both in Russia as a whole and in individual regions. Sales managers, sales consultants, sales specialists, customer service specialists and other workers in this industry together occupy a stable first place in terms of the number of vacancies.
  • Banks. Despite the regular reduction in the number of banks, the demand for specialists in the banking sector remains. Sales manager of financial products, manager-consultant, specialist in a bank branch, specialist in working with overdue debts from 20,000 rubles to 85,000 rubles.
  • IT, telecommunications and construction. There were, are and will be extremely popular professions and areas.
  • Transport and logistic. Driver from 30,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles. Storekeeper, picker, warehouse operator, logistics manager with a salary from 20,000 rubles to 65,000 rubles.
  • Production. The need for import substitution stimulates the development of electronics, food and chemical industries. Process engineer, design engineer, machine operator, quality manager, supply manager with an income from 50,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles.

List of in-demand professions in Moscow 2017

The capital has always surprised us with the scale and level of development of all types of business. There is work in Moscow, and it will not be difficult for a good, ambitious specialist to find a job.

The most popular professions and specialties in Moscow in 2017 will be work in the following industries:

  • Sales. Sales specialists will be needed especially urgently due to increased competition. If you want to receive a stable and high income, pay attention to this industry. Namely, manager-consultant in communication stores, furniture sales manager, sales consultant, customer service manager. The average salary will range from 35,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles.
  • IT, telecommunications. Engineers in information technology and telecommunications are not only among the most sought after, but also the highest paid specialists. Programmer, project manager, engineer, system administrator, income from 50,000 to 185,000 rubles. Individual specialists with knowledge of English and artificial intelligence methods will be able to receive more than 300,000 rubles.
  • Real estate and construction. Selling a property will generally cost more than building a property. In fact, this trend was observed in the previous year. Real estate sales agents and other similar specialists can qualify for salaries from 70,000 rubles to 170,000 rubles. Designers, structural engineers and other builders will receive from 45,000 rubles to 150,000 rubles.
  • Office work and administrative personnel. Secretaries are at a premium. Gentlemen, leaders want good assistants. And bureaucracy and the development of total document flow in large companies are not abating. The salary in this category is limited to a maximum of 85,000 rubles.
  • Marketing and Internet. The development of e-commerce and various services has significantly increased the need for marketers and advertisers. Internet marketer, contextual advertising managers, advertising manager - income from 45,000 to 165,000 rubles.

Among the rare professions, the following are in demand:

The doctor is a geneticist. In the 21st century, married couples take procreation very seriously. Every year, geneticists have more work to do, because pregnancy planning has become not only fashionable, but also necessary due to environmental pollution and hereditary diseases.
Brand managers. It seems that the management profession has oversaturated the market, but this is not true. Competition among goods and services obliges companies to hire smart brand managers. Only with the proper level of work of a brand manager can you achieve a leading position in your field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Moscow 2017 - list

The highest paid professions and specialists in industries with an income of 300,000 rubles or more in 2017:

  • Heads of sales departments;
  • Qualified programmers. IT specialists. This is not the first year that IT has been considered one of the highest paid professions. Advanced certified programmers, system administrators, and information security specialists will be able to earn a decent financial income;
  • Top management in construction, marketing, sales, production, accounting and finance;
  • Cosmetologists. Plastic surgeons. The desire for perfect beauty is gaining stunning momentum. The income of plastic surgeons in 2017 will increase compared to 2016, as an upward trend is already visible;
  • Orthopedic dentists;