Pig breeding as a business. Pig breeding as a business: where to sell and how to grow? Pig breeding business plan

The success of a business idea for raising pigs at home is due to many factors. The first factor is the consistently high demand for manufactured products. The business idea is resistant to external economic factors. Meat is actively purchased even during the financial crisis.

A mini-pig farm does not require specialized investments. You can even start with one wild boar, which, when sold, can bring the first profit to a novice farmer.

Most breeds of piglets are unpretentious to living conditions. It is enough to follow simple basic rules of basic animal care. And if you choose the right breed that best suits your conditions and adhere to the technology of growing the same breed, then within a year you can achieve a decent and stable profit. Therefore, first, let’s look at the features of a profitable breed of pigs with photographs and names.

Fast-growing meat pigs

The business of producing pork at home should start with choosing a breed. Each breed has its own cultivation technology. Based on this, a business plan and the structure of a business project are built. Depending on the breed, the ways to implement business ideas can differ significantly.

Yorkshire pig breed

This is a large white breed of pig. Yorkshire is the absolute record holder for the rate of meat growth. He gains 100 kg of live weight in a record 150 days. Adult boars can reach 350 kg, and sows 240 kg. But the breed is not suitable for a novice farmer, as it requires special care.

Yorkshire gets sick in drafts and dampness. Does not tolerate prolonged cold weather well. He is prone to stress, which is why he can quickly lose weight. The sow gives birth to 10-11 piglets weighing just over 1 kg each. Therefore, she needs help during childbirth.

German Landrace

For a beginner, this is a more suitable breed than the Yorkshire. The German Landrace has excellent immunity and good growth rates. During the fattening period, the daily weight gain is 863g/day! Feed ratio: 1:2.6 (that is, 2.6 kg of feed to obtain 1 kg of gain).

By the way, the German Landrace was bred by crossing ordinary German pigs with a Yorkshire boar. The main direction of selection is increasing weight and maintaining immunity. Special attention was also paid to stress resistance.

Estonian bacon

This breed has roots from the beloved Dutch Landrace. But it surpasses them in many respects:

  1. Estonian bacon gains 100kg weight 6 days faster.
  2. Unlike Landraces, the Estonian Bacon has a stronger build.
  3. 190 g less feed consumption per 1 kg. growth.
  4. The length of the pig is 5 cm longer, and the lard (fat) is 8 mm longer. thinner.

The Estonian Bacon is a very fertile breed and often produces 12 piglets per farrow.

Hungarian Mangalica pig breed

The Hungarian Mangalica is the best pig breed for breeding and no one has ever complained about it. This breed was obtained by crossing a wild boar and a domestic pig. The Hungarian Mangalica breed was bred to produce the best pork meat. Its meat is ideal for drying. For example, the famous delicacy “Spanish Jamon” (pork ham prepared according to a special recipe in spices) is best made from “Hungarian Mangalitsa”.

Restaurants also like to buy mangalitsa meat as it has streaks of fat. It is called marbled meat and it is very pleasant to work with it in the process of preparing meat delicacies.

The pig prefers a lot of grass and fiber in its diet. In ancient times, they were herded like sheep or cows in pastures. This feature allows you to save a little on feed. They willingly eat such cheap food as:

  • bran;
  • cut grass;
  • acorns and chestnuts.

And everything that wild pigs eat in the wild.

As an inheritance from wild boars, the “Hungarian Mangalitsa” received thick wool. For this they are also called “Downy pigs”. This physiological feature of the breed allows it to maintain body temperature during prolonged frosts. This fact has a beneficial effect on maintaining weight. After all, everyone knows from school that all animals spend up to 70% of their energy to maintain body temperature. This is the main reason why in the cold (even in a cool room with a temperature below +12) pigs lose everything even though they eat well.

Hungarian Mangalitsa have surprisingly strong immunity and reproduce without problems.

Vietnamese pot-bellied pig breed

Breeding Vietnamese pigs is fundamentally different from the breeds described above.

It requires not only a special cultivation technology, but also the construction of a completely different concept of doing business. It is suitable for beginners, if you follow all the subtleties of raising Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs.

Rules for keeping pigs on private farms

To organize a successful pork production business, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Rule 1: when constructing a pigsty, it is necessary to provide conditions for summer and winter housing of livestock.
  • Rule 2: pigs need a walking area. During walks, animals strengthen their immunity and get sick less. Fresh air favorably promotes weight gain. Plus, in warm weather, it is better to feed the piglets in the walking area and give them another 20-30 minutes to defecate. This will reduce the worries for the farmer when cleaning the pigsty. Without walking, young animals develop rickets and stunted growth.
  • Rule 3: the pigsty must be equipped with a high-quality liquid collector. Every animal cleanses its body through urine. All toxins come out through it. Urine evaporation should not be allowed in the room where pigs live. Disinfection measures should be carried out in the pigsty at least once a month.
  • Rule 4: piglets from other people's pigsties should not be near other piglets. They must be quarantined from future neighbors for 7 days. Otherwise, the virus will destroy the whole herd.
  • Rule 5: the temperature regime should be observed (young animals plus 18-22 degrees, and for adults plus 12-16 degrees). In winter, it is recommended to take adult piglets out into the cold 2-3 times a week for prevention. At a temperature of -1, all types of viruses die. The ideal humidity in a pigsty is 70%, but not higher than 85%. Most breeds and all small piglets are afraid of drafts, prolonged cold and dampness.
  • Rule 6: every time after feeding, you need to clean the feeders from any remaining food.
  • Rule 7: In order for pigs to grow well, you should adhere to the following diet:
    • piglets up to 3 months – 5 times a day;
    • young animals up to 5 months – 4 times a day;
    • adult pigs from 5 months and older - 3 times a day.

You can prepare feed for pigs yourself. It is also helpful to monitor growth using a pig weight chart. A novice farmer will also find this diagram for cutting up a pork carcass useful:

Helpful advice!

After tarring the pig, it is best to use a KARCHER high-pressure washer, which is purchased for car washing. The process of preparing the carcass is much faster and of better quality, while maintaining the excellent presentation of the product.

Raising pigs at home as a business

A stable business consistently generates profit, which means it is resistant to crises, changes in legislation and other business diseases. Every sustainable business is directly related to the stable needs of consumers.

A consumer is first and foremost a person. A person's stable needs are his physiological needs. In the first place - Food! In this category of goods, meat has an ideal price-demand ratio. In terms of demand, it is second only to bread, and its price is not only at a high level, but is also constantly growing.

Given these facts, it is easy to understand that meat producers offer the market a product that:

  1. Actively for sale.
  2. It has a relatively high price (in its product segment).
  3. Quickly brings decent profits.

This type of business has not lost its relevance for centuries. Consumers will never give up pork. Moreover, the demand for it is constantly growing.

Of course, in any business there are risks. They also need to be planned. And with experience, the level of risk decreases rapidly. Meat will always have a significantly higher price than feed, which means you can always make money on it.

In domestic countries, farming has always been considered a fairly profitable business, because here nature has created good conditions for raising animals. And quite a few people have built a business on raising pigs and selling their meat, because such an activity is considered quite profitable and has not lost its relevance for many years.

Pigs are chosen for raising precisely because of their rapid weight gain, and when using the right feed, you can get about 85% of the useful weight from one head.

Also, with proper organization of the diet and selection, you can get a weight of 100 kg in just 6 months.

They also choose pigs for business because they are very prolific. The sow is capable of giving birth to 10 to 15 piglets at a time.

If you create optimal conditions, the animal will practically not get sick and reproduce quickly. But before you start making a profit from pigs, you need to carefully think through many nuances, and first of all, develop a business plan. Important:

For CIS countries, it is easier to sell pork from their own market without exporting from other countries. Export meat has recently decreased, so you can fill the shelves with your own high-quality product. The meat production business has a couple of advantages:

  • The piglet grows quickly and is ready for slaughter within a year;
  • The purchasing power of pork is at a high level, there is practically no waste left;
  • Business growth can be increased due to regular farrowing of the sow, which gives 10-12 piglets;
  • You can start a business with low costs and a minimal territory.

If you are already making Napoleonic plans and are aiming for a serious start, be careful. Experienced farmers advise in advance get a small number of pigs - up to 20 are enough for a start and a good first profit.

You can breed such a quantity on the site of your own home or in the country, and it is not necessary to register the business. It is only needed on a larger scale.

But to implement the business you will need the following:

  • an area that, if necessary, can be increased or provided for animal walking;
  • 10-20 piglets;
  • small financial resources.

Please note that we are considering setting up a pig business at the initial stage, without affecting large pig barns with permits.

Arranging a pigsty

A piglet business plan begins with creating the right conditions. Most raise pigs on their own property. According to statistics, 10 heads require about 150 km.m. land. But keep in mind that the pigsty itself will occupy 1/3 of this territory, so as a last resort, you can reduce the above area by reducing the space for walking.

Pigs can be housed in a barn or a separate room can be created. It is carried out according to the usual requirements, where It is important to consider the following:

  • The floor must be poured with concrete;
  • For each pig, create sections measuring 2 square meters;
  • Walls and ceilings should not allow heat and moisture to pass through;
  • Sections should be separated by plywood or wood;
  • Ventilation must be provided in the room;
  • To remove waste, arrange special baths;
  • Lighting must be sufficient.

To create optimal conditions, a pig needs bedding in the form of straw or sawdust.

Which breed is the most profitable?

An important stage of the pig business is... The most successful breed will be the beef breed, but this depends on purchasing power and the availability of the desired breed in your area. Farmers distinguish several types of pigs:

  1. Universal. An excellent option for obtaining meat and lard; there is a lot of high quality meat here. We recommend choosing Mangalitsa or Korean breeds.
  2. Meat. They are usually black in appearance, breed in average numbers, but produce good meat. The best representatives are called the Ukrainian steppe breed and the Mirgorod breed.
  3. Meat-bacon. They are represented by a white color, have an elongated long body and noticeably strong legs. The quality of meat in such pigs is at the highest level. We advise you to pay attention to the Duroc, Vietnamese and Don breeds.

How to feed and keep pigs?

Please note that once you have built the pig pens, it is important to consider the placement of the animals. According to the rules, two boars or a sow and a boar cannot be placed together. If the pig is raising piglets, this will require a separate section.

Many people try to feed pigs as cheaply as possible, but in reality this will not give tangible results. If you don’t provide it, weight gain per day will decrease, and the taste of the meat will not be the same.

Pig farmers distinguish three types of feed, the first two are in greatest demand and can be combined.

  1. Hard food- wheat, legumes, beets, carrots.
  2. Green crops, useful grass in the form of clover or alfalfa.
  3. Various vegetables, in particular corn, potatoes and millet. Such feed should be excluded in the next 6 months before the pig is slaughtered.

If you want to raise meatier pigs, add green feed to the diet. To ensure that the pig produces enough fat, consider introducing root vegetables and barley into the diet.

Possible expenses

If you intend to increase the number of heads to 130, and you do not have a summer cottage or residential plot for breeding, you will need a certain group of expenses. To create a pig farming business, the following costs will be required:

  1. Rent of a land plot - about 100,000 rubles;
  2. Arrangement of a pigsty - 20,000 rubles;
  3. Purchase of special equipment - 400-500 thousand rubles;
  4. Purchase of piglets - 300,000 rubles;
  5. Preparation of documentation - 10,000 rubles;
  6. Feed for the first time - 25,000 rubles;
  7. Services for electricity and water - 20,000 rubles;
  8. The cost of salaries for the veterinarian and workers is 100-130 thousand rubles.

As we can see from the above calculations, in order to keep 130 pigs, you will have to allocate enough funds, most of which will go towards special equipment, the purchase of young animals and a plot of land.

Of course, the numbers are not exact and depend on your region of residence. But for 130 heads of pigs you will have to spend approximately 1,000,000 rubles.

Business benefits

According to approximate data, after 6 months of effective fattening, pigs can be slaughtered. 125 heads can either be sold whole or cut up and sold for meat. The meat production business is quite profitable, but 5 heads or preferably more will have to be left for further development.

Let's calculate the approximate profit: 1 kg of meat costs 250 rubles on the market. A half-year-old pig in the amount of 125 pieces will give the farmer “dirty profit” of 3,100,000 rubles.

But we take away maintenance costs, including food every month, employee salaries, and utilities. The result will be approximately 1,500,000 rubles in profit, which will be used to reimburse the initial opening costs. Result:

the pig business is quite profitable, because the payback period is about 6 months.

Where to sell piglets and meat? In any business, it is not so much production that is important, but rather the marketing of the resulting products. Pork meat is in great demand, so

  • you can make a profit in the following ways:
  • Own sale of meat at the market or retail outlets;
  • Sale of pigs live weight without slaughter;

Sale of piglets after farrowing.

Most farmers slaughter their own pigs, butcher them and sell them at markets or their own outlets. You can also sell large quantities of meat to various shops, restaurants and cafes.

If your products are of high quality, the cost of meat and the demand for it will be higher.

If you are raising pigs for the purpose of selling piglets, this solution will be quite profitable if you have good sows. Sales are carried out on the market.

Pig breeding is a profitable business among private home owners. This does not require large financial investments. In addition, high-quality meat is in great demand among the population. If all the nuances are followed, the investment will quickly pay for itself. Today we will take a detailed look at pig farming as a business: where to start, how to succeed and how much you can earn from it.

  1. When drawing up a business plan, you should rely on the following recommendations:
  2. In the main document you will need to indicate all your sources of income. Only real earnings should be indicated.
  3. Next, it is necessary to list the order of legal acts regarding such entrepreneurial activities. The state actively supports farms. Therefore, there should be no problems with local authorities.
  4. If you need to take out a loan, it is recommended to draw up a business plan with the help of an economist, and then take it to the bank’s credit department for review.
  5. A list of required equipment and contact information of suppliers should be provided.

After drawing up such documents, the further profitability of the case will be clear. And then you can begin organizational actions.

Video - How to write a business plan without experience?

Pig farming: is it a profitable business?

The main advantages of pig farming:

  1. Pigs are animals that digest almost a third of their feed. While in chickens this figure is 20%.
  2. Meat yield after slaughter. Waste from a pig carcass is less than 20%.
  3. Offspring The sow bears her offspring for a little more than 3 months. At one time she can give birth to up to 15 piglets. She will need 1-2 months to feed them. In total, she will be able to produce 25-30 piglets in a year. For example, a cow can only give birth to 1-2 calves in the same period of time.
  4. It will take about 6 months for the piglets to gain weight up to 90-100 kg. This means that one adult sow can produce about 2500-2800 kg of meat in 12 months.

For normal growth of young animals, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. It is important for a farmer to correctly calculate all costs for purchasing equipment.

Breed selection

When choosing a particular breed, you should take into account the climatic conditions of the area. Russian farmers raise more than 25 varieties of pigs. However, there are several main breeds that are especially popular among the population.

Table 1. Selection of meat breed


A meat-producing breed of pig, which even beginners can raise. The sow has good fertility - about 14 piglets per year. The only downside is that such pigs are often obese and do not tolerate cold well. The weight of an adult pig is about 180-200 kg.

The meat breed of pig is highly productive. This breed is resistant to various diseases. The profit of pure meat is more than 155 kg.

This breed is resistant to hot steppe climates. Adult pigs reach a weight of more than 240 kg. Sows give birth to about 13-14 piglets per year. With normal nutrition, young animals develop rapidly and gain weight.

Animals tolerate cold climates without any problems. A sow gives birth to about 12 piglets per year. The weight of an adult pig is more than 200 kg.

It is resistant to various diseases and is omnivorous. Disadvantages include low productivity. The queen gives birth to about 9 piglets per year. The weight of an adult pig is about 95-130 kg.

This is an American breed of pigs, which is distinguished by its large weight of up to 290 kg. The piglets rapidly gain weight, about 1 kg per day. At one time, a sow can give birth to about 9-10 piglets.

Basically, farmers prefer to purchase piglets in the spring. However, you can buy it in winter if you have an insulated room. The optimal age of young animals is 1.5 months. At this age, they are already able to grow up without a mother and are quite independent.

Basic requirements for premises for raising pigs

For an average pig farm of 100 heads, you will need to allocate an area of ​​at least 600 - 650 square meters. Only the third part is occupied by the pigsty itself.

For such purposes, a ready-made barn or an abandoned building is suitable. However, if this is not possible, you will have to build a pigsty. To do this you will need:

  • concrete floor;
  • separate sections for keeping pigs, at least 3 square meters;
  • wooden partitions;
  • high-quality insulation for ceilings and walls;
  • recesses in the floor for quick waste removal;
  • ventilation holes;
  • lighting.

Pigs also require bedding, which is changed periodically. For such purposes, ordinary straw or sawdust is suitable. Feeders and drinking bowls for animals must be intact, without any holes. Because liquid food and water getting into the pigsty is fraught with constant dampness and dirt.

– a useful and economical purchase, it lasts for at least 3 years if the operating rules are followed, and its shelf life is unlimited.

Do not forget that the construction of a pig farm will require appropriate permission. Such an object should not be located near bodies of water. It is prohibited to build farms in urban areas, only in rural areas.

If desired, in some villages you can find an old abandoned pig farm. However, before use, the room needs to be thoroughly disinfected.

  1. The optimal temperature in a pigsty is from 17 to 23 degrees. Do not allow the room temperature to drop below 13 degrees. Otherwise, the animals will begin to freeze and lose weight.
  2. The normal ceiling height is 2.5-2.8 meters.
  3. The walls around the entire perimeter of the pigsty need plaster and whitewash.
  4. The concrete floor will need to be covered with wooden panels with special holes.
  5. The pen should be an area for feeding and walking.

It is necessary to build the following facilities on the pig farm:

  • maternity building;
  • sow section;
  • fattening room;
  • volumetric refrigerator;
  • grain warehouse;
  • water source;
  • slaughterhouse area;
  • transformer booth;
  • sanitary room;
  • fenced entrance.

The most cost-effective heating method is direct combustion devices. For housing with young animals, special bedding is used, which receives water from the boiler.

Video - Keeping pigs on deep litter

Feeding and breeding pigs

The pig is an unpretentious animal that accepts both plant and animal food. Feeding directly affects the quality of meat products. Therefore, you should not feed pigs carbohydrate feed in large quantities; due to such nutrition, they quickly gain fat mass.

When feeding livestock with potato tubers, you will need to drain the water after cooking. The liquid contains corned beef, which is hazardous to animal health. Before cooking, the tubers must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt.

It is prohibited to feed pigs with raw fish products and their waste. Stale food with signs of rotting and mold is also not suitable as food. It is advisable to give any root vegetables only boiled. Pigs readily eat pumpkin, which in turn is an anthelmintic therapy.

On average, maintaining 100 pigs per year will require about 90 tons of grain mixture and feed, which represents the basis of nutrition. Feed should be stored for an average of 4 months in advance to prevent animals from starving. They will need to be fed up to 4 times a day.

In the warm season, it is necessary to prepare hay for the winter at the rate of 1-1.5 kg per head. In summer, greens make up half of their diet. Pigs are fattened for meat or lard. Feeding for meat is stopped upon reaching 110-120 kg. Then the profitability of further cultivation is lost and the pig is sent for slaughter.

In order to obtain lard, pigs are fed with root vegetables, corn, and Jerusalem artichoke. To be more effective, the diet should be prepared by a person with relevant experience in pig farming. You should not purchase low-grade feed in order to save your budget. Otherwise, you may lose your entire livestock.

In the summer, water is of great importance for animals. Drinkers must be constantly filled with liquid. Otherwise, the pigs will have no appetite and will lose the weight they have gained. When walking, they will need to be provided with a trough of water for bathing. It is advisable to add a solution of manganese there for the purpose of disinfection. Pigs must be washed at least once a week with a special brush.

Occurs in sows aged 9-11 months. It is during this period that the maximum possible multiple pregnancy is observed. Sows are operated for an average of about 2 years.

Personnel costs

When preparing documentation, a beginning farmer needs to include staff costs in the expense plan:

  1. Veterinarian. The average person who has never been involved in pig farming is unlikely to know about the intricacies of animal health. Therefore, you will need the help of a professional who will monitor the vaccination of the livestock and diseases. For such purposes, you can periodically hire a doctor to conduct an examination.
  2. Livestock specialist. Such a specialist is responsible for the serviceability of slaughter equipment. He also monitors the cutting of meat for further sale.
  3. Support workers. Managing a large farm on your own is a difficult task. Therefore, you will need to invite 2-3 people to work to clean the premises and feed the pigs.

This is only a mandatory list of employees; a large organization requires staff expansion. The exact number of hired personnel will depend on the scale of the farm. Sometimes additional services of electricians, tractor drivers, and truck drivers are required.

Control of documentation and the process of obtaining finished products is the task of the manager

Expenses include not only wages, but also sick leave, maternity leave, vacations, as well as bonuses (at the discretion of the manager) for work performance. Employees will also need to be provided with food and a lunch break. It is difficult to calculate the exact amount of staff income because it depends on the region where the farm is located. On average, you will have to spend at least 1,300,000 rubles a year on paying employees.

Costs and possible profitability of a pig business

When building a farm for 100 animals, you will have to spend at least 30,000,000 rubles, excluding employee salaries. However, it is worth considering that each sow can produce up to 20-30 piglets per year. In 6-12 months they grow to 100-125 kg on average. The total yield of finished products (fat and meat) is about 80% of live weight. At the same time, by selling entrails and skins, you can slightly increase your income.

For the year, the farm’s profit will be about 9,000,000 rubles. Given such a rapid growth of piglets and the popularity of the products, the farm pays for itself within a few years.

The challenges of pig farming

Like any business, pig farming has its risks:

  1. Search for investors. To find solvent investors to build a farm, you will need to draw up a proper business plan.
  2. Animal diseases. In the event of an epidemic of any dangerous disease, the entire pig population will have to be completely destroyed and the area disinfected. This entails a lot of waste for the owner.
  3. Competitiveness. Due to the process of industrialization of farms, the farming industry has suffered greatly.

This type of business is suitable for people who are ready to work with their own hands. Because this industry requires quite heavy physical work.

When organizing a farm, you should take into account the advice of experts:

  • sell both finished products (meat, lard) and young animals;
  • It is recommended to purchase only purebred piglets with high productivity;
  • buy young stock from different breeders to prevent degeneration;
  • Meat breed pigs must be intensively fed immediately after purchase;
  • In order to replenish the selection, you can rent boars from other farms.

It is necessary to carefully analyze these conditions and figures again, and only then start opening a farm. For some businessmen, pig farming is a very successful business.

Video – Pig Business

Disposal of pig waste

Already at the farm development stage, the need to dispose of farm waste should be taken into account. In Russian villages, it is quite common for manure to be stored behind special fences for about a year and then sent for incineration.

Manure should not be stored longer than required. Because a dense crust forms on the surface, which can only be removed with the help of an excavator. Such measures often lead to damage to the manure storage facility, which incurs additional costs.

How to improve the efficiency of a pig farm?

To increase efficiency in the future, young animals from our own sows are used. The need to buy additional piglets disappears. Another important aspect of profit is expansion of production. It is possible, under the same conditions, to build equipment for smoking meat and sell finished products to the public. Homemade sausages are also in demand. Cutlets and other frozen semi-finished products. However, additional personnel will be required for these purposes. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately assess the risks.

Even from a small farm, if you have the desire, you can create a large farm. Moreover, it is possible to receive subsidized loans from the state.

Let's sum it up

A beginner in the field of pig farming will need advice from an experienced farmer before starting the construction of a pigsty and purchasing young stock. In this matter, it is worth rationally assessing your capabilities.

Both during a crisis and when the country is prospering, people will buy meat. Roasts, pies, dumplings, lard - all this is popular with us. They also raise calves, but it is not always possible to sell so much meat at once at home. It is much more profitable to do business with pigs. In addition, this business, even at home, is profitable.

Pig farming is a very profitable business

Why is it profitable to raise pigs?

Why is pig breeding profitable as a business? At home they keep rabbits, sheep, etc., but it is the pigs that will bring profit. Why?

  1. They gain weight faster than calves or sheep. If these animals are fed correctly, then at the age of six months they weigh 100 kg, and they can be sent for meat.
  2. If a newly born piglet weighs 1.5 kg, then by the age of a week its weight almost doubles.
  3. Pigs reproduce quickly and are very fertile. One sow gives birth to about 12-15 piglets, but this is not the limit. When compared with cows or sheep, the numbers differ several times.
  4. They do not suffer from dangerous diseases.
  5. They do not require a lot of feed. Piglets quickly gain weight and the amount of meat obtained from these animals is 4 times more than from cattle. And the pig eats about a third less than the others, who are also bred for meat. The pig's body can absorb the food it receives as much as possible, i.e. about a third of all the substances that she receives from food. Whereas the same chicken absorbs only a fifth of the feed.
  6. High slaughter yield of meat. Keeping pigs for meat is also profitable because they have little waste - about 15%, while cows have at least 40%.
  7. The meat of these animals is in demand. In Russia and a number of other countries, pork is a favorite dish, so selling the product will not be difficult.

As we can see, pig farming as a business is profitable. But this is only if you follow all the rules for keeping animals at home.

Piglets gain weight 4 times faster than calves

What you need to breed pigs

Pig farming as a business will bring profit if pigs are provided with all the necessary conditions at home. You cannot do without initial costs. Therefore, you should first draw up a business plan for breeding pigs. Then compare the costs of growing and the expected profit and, based on prices, weigh everything. What will you need to create your own pig farm at home?

Like any other business, pig farming requires capital investment.


It doesn’t matter whether you want to build a farm or plan to raise pigs at home, before purchasing, you should read about the advantages and disadvantages of different breeds of pigs. They are all divided into:

  • bacon;
  • sebaceous;
  • greasy-meat.

There are a lot of pig breeds, but the most common in Russia is the large white one. This breed produces both meat and lard. A one-year-old boar gains weight of 350 kg per year, and a female - 250. If the diet is correctly calculated at home, then this is not the limit; animals can be even larger.

Large White is one of the most popular breeds

It is better to buy piglets when they are 2 months old, strong and healthy. At this age, the piglet’s weight is 15 -16 kg, but if its weight is no more than 6, then it is only a month old. What to look for when choosing a pig:

  • mobility;
  • Is the piglet breathing smoothly?
  • the stubble is shiny;
  • the snout, mouth and eye membranes are pink;
  • eyes are mobile, “running” all the time;
  • Piglets grab food with their mouths rather than sucking it in.


Even if you raise pigs at home, raising these animals is impossible without a facility where you will keep them. Pigs are unpretentious, but they require warmth and cleanliness. It is necessary to build at least a shed for them.

The barn should not be built from reinforced concrete or concrete, because... It will be cold in winter.

The optimal temperature for keeping animals is 18-20 degrees, but it is advisable that it does not fall below 11 degrees.

The pigsty should be comfortable for its inhabitants

To prevent animals from damaging their hooves, the floor is made of thick boards and is not hard. It is made at an angle so that urine flows into a special gutter near the wall. Then there will be no problems with cleaning the room. If sanitary conditions are not observed, animals will constantly get sick. We will also have to install pens for pigs, drinking bowls and feeders. There is 3 square meters of area per pig. It is advisable that a paddock be built in front of the barn.


If you want to start a pig raising business, you cannot skimp on feed. It is a balanced diet that determines whether animals will gain weight. Also, the quality of the feed is reflected in the taste of the meat. There are three categories of feed that can be fed to a pig at home.

It is better to use food of categories 1 and 2 or combine them.

  1. First category feed: grain (wheat, rye, barley), peas, beans, beets, carrots.
  2. Second category feed: clover, alfalfa and other grasses.
  3. Third category feed: corn, potatoes, buckwheat, wheat bran, beet molasses, potato pulp, etc.

If it is necessary to increase meat, the pig is fed green feed, and to increase fat, root vegetables, potatoes, barley and corn are given.

Corn promotes weight gain

Other expenses

If you want to make a profit from your pig farming business, you will have to purchase the highest quality feed. But when drawing up a business plan for raising pigs, remember that there will be other costs. So, animals will have to get the necessary vaccinations, and going to the veterinarian now also costs money, like the vaccines themselves.

It’s one thing if you raise animals at home, for yourself and to sell meat to neighbors and friends. Then this is an ordinary household plot.

But if you keep 100-200 pigs, this is already a mini-farm, which must be registered as an enterprise and pay taxes on it.

It is better to create an individual entrepreneur, which does not require a lot of effort and money, and then taxes are collected according to a simplified scheme. In addition, you cannot look after such a farm alone, so you will have to hire people and pay them wages. Raising pigs at home will be a good way to make money if you calculate everything and find partners who will supply feed or accept finished products. Even at home, raising piglets is profitable, because... Fresh meat has always been in price, and buying it in a store is a significant part of the family budget.

High-quality pork has always been the most in demand among other types of meat. It has excellent taste and nutritional value. To ensure their family has constant access to meat products, many people keep a pig or two at home. And some consider pig farming as a business. If you have a carefully developed business plan, such an enterprise will quickly pay for itself and bring significant profits.

Primary activity

Pig farming as a business is quite a complex business, especially if you start it from scratch. It requires a serious investment of money, labor and time. And before seriously moving on to organizing such a business, you need to carefully study all available sources of information on pig breeding and projects of existing successful farms.

After a certain amount of knowledge has accumulated, you can move directly to organizational issues. The first among them is the correct location of the pig farm. The creation of such enterprises near the city is prohibited by law. Therefore, it is important to have or purchase a plot somewhere in the countryside. In this case, an area of ​​30-50 acres will be quite enough. The main thing when choosing is that it meets the following requirements:

  1. Minimum permitted distances to populated areas.
  2. Regulated location relative to populated areas and other objects.
  3. Minimum distance to the nearest public water sources.

This issue can be best resolved by contacting the district administration. Its representatives can help determine the required site that will meet all the requirements.

An important point is the sales market. This could be the sale of raw lard and meat to consumers, the nearest factory for the production of meat products, your own smokehouse and the sale of homemade meat products. A profitable solution would be to find several points of sale for pig by-products, which include animal blood, skin, and bones. In addition to meat products, many also sell small piglets to other farms. Not only the location of the farm, but also the number of animals and the composition of the herd depends on the specific type of marketing.

And finally, you need a clear business plan, without which pig farming is doomed to failure. It must contain clear answers to all basic questions, including the amount of feed reserves, financial costs, risks, and expected profits.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this?

When the very first organizational issues have been resolved, you can move on to working on more specific issues. And you should start by preparing all the documents necessary for such an enterprise.


Organizing a large pig farm is a serious step, and such activity must be supported by a number of documents. They will act as confirmation that the owner of the farm has official confirmation to raise pigs and sell products. To obtain all the necessary documents, you must contact the administration of the district in which you plan to do business. At the same time, already at this stage you need to have a fully prepared and thought-out business plan that will confirm the seriousness of the breeder’s intentions.

The main list of required documents for opening should include:

  1. Permission for individual entrepreneurship.
  2. Permission to build a pigsty and other outbuildings, as well as ordering an official project.
  3. Permission to purchase or lease a suitable plot of land.

When purchasing pigs and selling meat products, permission from veterinary and other departments is also required.

Reference. When contacting representatives of the district administration, it would be useful to inquire about the availability of financial investments from the state for new enterprises.

Breed selection

Today there are more than 150 different breeds of domestic pigs. And in such a variety it is extremely easy for a novice breeder to get lost. Therefore, it is best to consult with experienced farmers you know before purchasing.

The optimal solution for a novice breeder would be to choose one breed for breeding. As a last resort, you can select two that are similar in content requirements. At the same time, in domestic open spaces the choice most often falls on the following varieties:

  1. Northern Siberian. Pigs of this breed are classified as meat-greasy. The meat yield from the total weight is 55%. The average weight of the animal is 240 kg. During farrowing, the sow gives birth to 10-12 piglets.
  2. Large white. Most often purchased for cultivation on farms and pig farms. The average weight reaches 210 kg or more. A single litter ranges from 11 to 14 piglets. The breed is classified as meat-greasy. The pig is quite unpretentious in terms of feeding composition, but has a hard time surviving frosts.
  3. Vietnamese black pot-bellied. This breed is becoming increasingly popular among Russian breeders. It belongs to the bacon variety. Pigs are highly resistant to diseases, undemanding in terms of nutrition and maintenance, and cleanliness. On average, a sow produces up to 10 piglets per litter. The weight of an adult rarely exceeds 140 kg.

You can buy both adult pigs and piglets for fattening. A combination option is often used.

Feeding and maintenance

The correct diet, its volumes and sources must be planned before purchasing a herd. This will allow you to constantly increase business profitability and avoid a number of problems and risks. On average, a livestock of 350 individuals consumes 35 tons of grain and 300-350 kg of special additives per year. It is also necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of vitamin complexes, premixes, and formulations for feeding pregnant sows. In addition, it is best to purchase feed from familiar sellers. But, you always need to have several backup options in reserve.

And it is better, from the very beginning of the business, to select an experienced livestock specialist and staff who will control the main nuances of maintaining the herd. They will be able to establish proper care for pregnant pigs, timely maintenance of young animals, as well as mating of pigs.

Search for premises

This point is key. The best solution here is the reconstruction of old pigsties that remained from the times of the USSR. They will cost much less than building a new building. In such buildings, the walls and roof are strengthened, drafts and leaks are eliminated. It is also important to thoroughly disinfect the premises in order to prevent the development of diseases, the pathogens of which may still persist in the underground floors and other parts of the building.

Immediately after acquiring the complex, it is necessary to plan which buildings will be used for granaries, staff offices, utility rooms and a laboratory. Separately in the pigsty you need to allocate an area for the maternity room.

Equipment purchase

When building a large pig farm, full automation will ensure more economical feed consumption, timely supply, and better care for animals. In this case, it is necessary to purchase additional equipment for the premises, among which are:

  1. Heating systems. The best option is a solid fuel boiler with a piping system. Portable heaters are also often used.
  2. Ensure proper ventilation. Systems with longitudinal or transverse supply and exhaust ventilation are suitable.
  3. Feeding equipment. Automation of feeding is a highly desirable measure in large farms. It is implemented through a feed hopper with a conveyor or a spiral feed dispenser.
  4. Systems for automatic manure removal. If there are no funds, you can allocate money for this for service personnel.


A separate part of the cost of organizing a farm should be allocated to personnel. It is best if it includes:

  • livestock specialist;
  • vet;
  • general workers;
  • accountant;
  • a manager knowledgeable in the nuances of pig breeding.

You can expand or contract your staff on an individual basis, referring to the specifics of the farm’s tasks and production volumes.

Financial plan (profit, profitability)

It is mandatory to calculate the profitability of pig farming in the business plan. Of course, you can only roughly calculate the main costs and income, but still, they are worth identifying. The minimum cost will be at least 3 million rubles for the acquisition and maintenance of a livestock of 300-350 individuals. This includes:

  1. Buying piglets. The average cost, depending on the breed, is 2-4 thousand rubles.
  2. Procurement of feed. If you have your own plot of potatoes or other vegetables, you can save a lot on food for pigs. But, nevertheless, the minimum purchase for a year will be 30-35 tons of grain, 300 kg of additives, mineral complexes. On average, this part will cost about 1 million rubles.
  3. Payment of utilities and rent of a pigsty.
  4. Workers' salaries. So the average salary for a handyman will be 8 thousand rubles. The veterinarian must be paid at least 25 thousand per month. As staff expands, costs increase.

Now, regarding income. If you select about 130 sows from the herd for breeding work, fatten 150 heads for slaughter for meat, and use about 20-30 boars for mating per year, you can get from 3-3.2 million rubles per year. It is supposed to sell meat and lard, piglets for breeding, as well as by-products. Of this amount, the lion's share goes to replenishing feed supplies, paying for communications, rent, transport services, and staff salaries. On average, about a million rubles of net profit remains. At this pace, in 2.5-3 years the business will fully pay for itself and begin to make a profit.

It is worth noting that when drawing up an individual business plan for a pig farm, the numbers can be completely different. You need to take into account prices and tariffs in the region, opportunities to save on feed, and receive government financial support. Therefore, when determining the profitability of the entire enterprise, it is necessary to carefully calculate each item, having previously found out the current prices.

Possible risks

When planning your own pig-breeding business, you also cannot ignore various unexpected factors (risks) that can negatively affect the process of breeding pigs. These main points include:

  1. Epidemics. Various diseases are the most destructive problem for pig farming. The herd may decrease significantly in the absence of decisive measures, and the farm may be closed by the relevant structures.
  2. Lack of demand for products. In certain periods, demand in markets may fall sharply, which negatively affects the profitability of the enterprise.
  3. Fire. It can also cause considerable damage to a farm, and in the absence of high-quality fire safety measures, the negative impact increases significantly.
  4. Elimination of the used feed source.

All of the above points must be taken into account when developing an enterprise plan. Moreover, each such risk must be prevented by procuring feed, medicines, and organizing an effective fire safety system.

Attention! The more risks a breeder takes into account, the less likely there will be an unexpected loss of productivity on the farm.


We can conclude that your own farm, focused on breeding pigs, is a completely profitable enterprise. If the basic rules for keeping animals and observing risks are observed, the pig farm will generate a net profit in 2-3 years. However, it is not necessary to start breeding pigs immediately with a large number of pigs. You can get your hands on small experimental farms, where it is also possible to raise capital for a larger enterprise.

Stretch ceiling