Where to order goods from China wholesale. Where to buy any goods from China wholesale. Is your presence required during shipment?

Victoria Ryabenko


Chinese suppliers

Business with China without intermediaries - review of trading platforms, recommendations and restrictions.

Article navigation

  • Advantages of doing business with Chinese manufacturers
  • How to buy Chinese goods wholesale
  • Customs restrictions
  • Bypassing customs restrictions
  • Search for direct suppliers
  • Official website of TaoBao in China in Russian without intermediaries
  • How to place an order on the TaoBao website
  • Pros and cons of working with the TaoBao platform

Goods from the Middle Kingdom occupy 60–70% of the total world market. Every year, about 25 million Russians purchase at least one item from a Chinese manufacturer. Thanks to the rapid growth of trade in Russia, you can quickly find suppliers from China without intermediaries. Today, Chinese products are very popular both among companies and stores, as well as among private buyers. The quality of the product can already compete with global brands, but the price still remains much lower than that of European competitors.

Buying goods in bulk is much more profitable and convenient, in addition Russian businessmen now have the opportunity to work with Chinese manufacturers. Such a business brings good profits and does not require large investments.

The most popular Chinese trading platforms are Aliexpress, TaoBao and Alibaba. The principle of operation of the sites and the range are quite similar, but there are some differences that you need to know about. If you work with the official TaoBao website, then you will need an intermediary, since the platform is not available in Russian or English. On Alibaba you can directly contact the supplier and negotiate both a discount and delivery. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of each trading platform.

Advantages of doing business with Chinese manufacturers

Today, trade with China is a well-functioning business. Russian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to open, for example, their own store with minimal investment. What does this benefit consist of?

Firstly, these are, of course, low prices for goods. As you know, in China the production of any product is several times cheaper than in Russia or Europe. That is why even many global brands organize assembly in China. First of all, it is cheap and fast. What can we say about clothes, shoes, toys or equipment, which are produced there in huge quantities and at minimal cost.

The second reason is the transportation of goods. can be by land, water or air. For each type of transport, there are a huge number of carriers who are happy to offer their services. Each transportation option has its pros and cons, but choosing the most profitable method for you will not be difficult. You can combine and transport goods by road and rail or by plane and ship.

Another reason is the introduction of new technologies into production. Thus, the quality of the goods is constantly improving, and the range is growing. You can find everything your heart desires in the Celestial Empire. Recently, many businessmen have been trying to organize the supply of goods from China directly without intermediaries, since in this case they can receive additional money and not pay third parties for services.

In addition, competition in China is becoming more and more every year. Each trading platform is looking for new ways to attract customers: improving service, organizing regular promotions and discounts on products. This all plays into the hands of Russian buyers.

How to buy Chinese goods wholesale

If you decide to purchase a large batch of goods at once, then you will have to provide the supplier with some documents, namely, your legal address, account number and your bank details.

To wholesale goods on Aliexpress without intermediaries, you will need to enter into a contract with the seller himself, since the site is aimed primarily at retail trade. Therefore, it is better to use another platform -. The site is aimed at wholesale sales abroad. The store has a well-translated English version, suppliers actively respond to customer messages and provide all necessary documents.

Customs restrictions

If you want to bypass customs duties, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The parcel must contain no more than 5 identical products (for example, phones). However, this item does not apply to clothing, shoes, small jewelry, accessories, and so on.
  2. The parcel must not exceed 30 kg, its maximum cost is 500 euros.

Bypassing customs restrictions

In addition to the two rules that we wrote above, there are several more ways to transport goods across the border without customs duty. You can split the entire batch into small parcels and order them to different addresses. In this case, there will be no problems at customs.

If you need to transport a large consignment of goods worth more than five hundred euros, then register it in the name of friends or relatives. Each recipient must receive no more goods than is specified in the declaration. If the cost of the parcel slightly exceeds the established limit, then you can ask the seller to lower the cost of the parcel when sending. However, you should not abuse this matter, as you may receive a fine if customs evaluates your parcel several times more expensive.

Search for direct suppliers

Sometimes it is simply impossible to work with sellers directly without intermediaries. But it still depends on which trading platform you cooperate with. The most popular wholesalers from China are TaoBao, Alibaba and 1688.

We will tell you more about TaoBao below, but 1688 is very similar to this site. The store is aimed at local buyers, so there is no English or Russian version of the site; delivery and payment are possible only in China. Therefore, if you decide to work with 1688, then you cannot do without an intermediary. This site is suitable for small wholesale purchases. Note that on TaoBao you can buy goods at retail, it will still turn out to be profitable.

If you decide to cooperate with China without an intermediary, then you should take a closer look at the official website of the Alibaba trading platform. This platform serves millions of customers every year. Alibaba is the link between the seller and the buyer; the site itself does not sell anything. You just select the desired product there, then contact the seller and discuss the terms of delivery to Russia.

This wholesaler from China is suitable for those who need large supplies of goods without intermediary companies. The advantages of the platform are that you communicate directly with the manufacturer and can ask for an additional discount on the product.

Official website of TaoBao in China in Russian without intermediaries

TaoBao is one of the leading online shopping platforms in China and one of the most visited sites in the world. You can order goods from the TaoBao website in China yourself or use the services. The only official partner of TaoBao in Russia is Kupinatao.com, however, you can find thousands of offers from other intermediaries on the Internet.

What are the advantages of this platform?

  • Very wide range;
  • Prices are lower than, for example, on Aliexpress;
  • Replicas of any brands are sold;
  • There are many exclusive things that cannot be bought in Russia.

If you speak Chinese, you can make a purchase on TaoBao without intermediaries, by independently arranging free delivery to Russia and paying for the order. Otherwise, you will spend too much time filling out all the forms, and you may make a mistake and end up not receiving your item.

How to place an order on the TaoBao website

Until 2014, on TaoBao, it was difficult for foreign buyers to purchase goods from Chinese sellers without intermediaries, since this required a Chinese phone number and a local bank account. Today, the registration procedure for residents of other countries has become much easier.

Delivery of goods

Today it is possible to deliver goods without the participation of third parties. TaoBao now has redirection of international shipments, that is, parcels from sellers arrive at a local warehouse in China, and then employees send them abroad (to Russia). The disadvantage of working independently with the platform is that when you buy on TaoBao yourself, without intermediaries, no one gives you a guarantee that the goods will arrive safe and sound and without manufacturing defects.

Pros and cons of working with the TaoBao platform

Firstly, the TaoBao website does not have an English or Russian interface. This is the main obstacle for the Russian buyer, since it is quite difficult to figure it out on the Chinese website on your own.

Secondly, it is best to check the goods before shipping. This way, you will minimize the likelihood of receiving a defective or damaged product, and will also save time, since you will not have to send the package back.

An intermediary can provide assistance in placing an order and forwarding it to Russia. One of his tasks is to pick up the order from the warehouse, check it, pack it well and send it to Russia. Therefore, we advise you not to make purchases on TaoBao without an intermediary. You can lose not only time, but also your money.

Wholesale purchases are very difficult, but if you know all the nuances, you can easily avoid unnecessary waste. So,

  • if you need a lot of goods in a single quantity, then it is better to cooperate with TaoBao;
  • if you are planning small wholesale purchases, then you need 1688;
  • Alibaba is perfect for large wholesale.

You can also order products from TaoBao in China without intermediaries if you speak Chinese, since this platform is now open to foreign buyers.

In general, wholesale purchases in Chinese online stores are commonplace for many Russian entrepreneurs. For this purpose, many services have been created that offer goods both directly and through an intermediary company. But when choosing a future partner from China, be extremely careful. Fraudsters are everywhere, hundreds of Russians become their victims every year.

Study customer reviews about a particular service, communicate with the seller and do not take impulsive actions. Only cold calculations and work with well-known, reliable sellers. Enjoy the shopping!

How to buy wholesale goods from China

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The main questions of entrepreneurs looking for goods in China at a good price: “How to buy goods directly without intermediaries? Is free shipping possible for bulk purchases? Amounts of customs duties, limits, etc.”

In this article, we will take a closer look at the issue of organizing wholesale purchases in China and give examples of popular B2B sites on the Internet, where you can find a number of potential suppliers of high-quality Chinese products.

How to buy wholesale in China

It is easier for legal entities to place a wholesale order from China, since many companies require a legal address, account number and details of the bank serving you. Next, you receive a payment order and pay for your order.

If you are an individual, it will be easier to place an order in small wholesale on the Chinese trading platform. You can also try to find an intermediary company engaged in the acquisition and supply of wholesale products from China.

If you do not trust intermediaries and have not found any suitable solution for yourself, contact the suppliers directly. One call or email and you will understand whether you have the opportunity to purchase small wholesale for private ownership. However, keep in mind that communicating with the Chinese side is a rather complicated process, especially when you are dealing with small manufacturers. They do not always speak English, and if they do, it is very poor. As a result, this leads to huge misunderstandings. Therefore, in some cases it is better to communicate via email; this undoubtedly has its advantages.

The largest wholesale platform in China is. This site is designed to work with foreigners, so the site interface is available in English. When placing wholesale orders, it is recommended to require suppliers to provide documents such as a business license, ID manager, product certificates, etc.

Customs restrictions and duties

In this case, we are talking about goods intended for personal and family needs not related to business activities.

A parcel containing 5 or more goods of the same name can be recognized as a commercial batch. But in practice, this norm is not strictly observed; it all depends on what exactly you are carrying. If we are talking about small items - jewelry, phone cases, socks, etc., you can bring in larger quantities, the main thing is to prove at customs that all these goods are intended for personal use by you and your family members. If you ordered 5 mobile phones, it is very difficult to prove that they are intended for personal use.

If you plan to order goods in small wholesale and transport them through customs as goods for personal use, please note that the customs scanner does not distinguish identical goods among clothing and shoes, therefore, mainly parcels that exceed the established limit in volume, weight and value are subject to customs inspection (weight more than 30 kg, cost more than 1000 euros).

How to deliver goods from China in small wholesale without going through customs declaration?

The best option for delivering goods from China in small wholesale without customs declaration is to send goods in small orders to different addresses and names of recipients. In this case, you will significantly save on delivery (it can be free) and avoid customs problems. All details must be discussed with the seller in advance. And since this is a fairly common scheme for small entrepreneurs, suppliers willingly agree to such terms of transactions.

If you need to order goods worth more than 1,000 euros in China, and the cost of previously completed orders has already reached this limit, place an order for one of your relatives. In order to invest 1000 euros, ask the seller to lower the cost of the parcel when sending. Some sellers do this by default. But in this case, it is very important to comply with the measure, since if customs recognizes the indicated value of the parcel as underestimated, an expert assessment of the value of your goods will be carried out.

Thus, if you agree with five or more recipients, you will be able to order monthly in the amount of 5 thousand euros or more, bypassing customs declaration.

Purchasing consolidated cargo in China through third-party companies

If you need to transport small cargo that cannot be sent by mail, but it is too small for full-fledged cargo transportation, then sending consolidated cargo is what you need.

Delivery of consolidated cargo is the transportation of small-sized cargo from various customers in one direction on one vehicle. This transportation scheme is very convenient for small entrepreneurs, because it is an opportunity to receive a small batch of various goods at a minimum cost.

In order for cargo to be accepted for groupage shipment, it must not exceed 1/3 of a 20-pound standard container.

For example, you found a product you are interested in in China, bought it, and now you need to bring it to your city. First of all, you choose a transport and logistics company that delivers groupage cargo from China (for example, CARGO), and send a request for delivery. The transport company picks up your cargo from the sender and sends it to the consolidated cargo warehouse, where container shipments are made all over the world, including to the Russian Federation.

As soon as the cargo is delivered to Vladivostok (the place of international postal exchange), customs brokers will prepare all the necessary documents, and your cargo will be sent to you in any way convenient for you (by rail, by plane or by mail and luggage car).

The Paritet Express company offers services for the search and wholesale purchase of various goods from China directly from manufacturers. We will help you select and order any goods from China in bulk, and also ensure their delivery as quickly as possible.

The Internet has given us the opportunity to quickly find any product at the best price. The Chinese market is extremely popular among online shoppers. Users actively order clothes, electronics, souvenirs from China and much more.

Wholesale goods from China are not only good quality and reasonable prices, but also an excellent chance for businessmen to be among the first to occupy the niche of new products in their region. The Paritet Express company will help you buy wholesale products in China from trusted manufacturers and deliver the goods to the specified address.

One of our areas of activity is searching for manufacturers in China. Employees of the department searching for goods select only the best and reliable partners who guarantee high quality products and affordable prices for goods from China in bulk. We find any factory to suit any requirements of our clients and get the best purchasing conditions, be it furniture from China or spare parts from China.

We enter into contracts with both small industries and huge factories, which gives us the opportunity to supply any product - equipment and machines from China, accessories for gadgets and much more. Do you want to order raw materials from China in bulk? Paritet Express will offer you the best options based on your wishes. With us you can wholesale almost anything in China!

Why is it profitable to buy from China?

China is a country with an economy that occupies one of the leading positions in the world. Numerous factories in China produce a huge number of consumer goods: food, furniture, jewelry, building materials, etc. In recent years, electronics from China, in particular mobile phones and other gadgets, have become in great demand. Modern production in China means excellent build quality, affordable cost and high performance of the devices, as well as the ability to order original accessories from China if necessary. These factors have allowed Chinese electronics manufacturers to compete well with leading brands and carve out their niche in the market.

Due to the low cost of labor and cheap raw materials from China, prices for Chinese goods are very affordable. This allows you to purchase goods from China in bulk and sell them at a significant margin. Some categories of goods delivered in bulk from China allow you to make a profit of up to 300%, which several times covers all the costs of purchasing and delivering products in bulk from China.

What are the advantages of working directly with factories?

Experienced businessmen know that it is most profitable to buy goods directly from the manufacturer. Factories in China offer affordable prices to those who order goods from China in bulk, but searching for manufacturers in China is a troublesome and time-consuming task. Over the years, Paritet Express has created a large database that contains only the most reliable and trusted manufacturers. By working with them directly, we offer our clients favorable terms of cooperation.

By ordering goods in bulk from China directly from manufacturers, you get the opportunity to:

  • Cheaply buy various goods in bulk in China - from new market products to products that are in stable demand among the population;
  • get the best prices and understand the market;
  • sell goods from China wholesale and retail, setting your own prices for them;
  • earn a lot of money due to a good markup;
  • conduct foreign trade activities and thereby raise the prestige of your company.

How to find goods in China yourself?

For those interested in a quick search for manufacturers in China, we suggest visiting the Alibaba and Aliexpress websites. There are more than 37 million stores and factories in China, offering a diverse range of products. Basic information on both sites is presented in English, but it is possible to switch to an adapted version with machine translation or use an online translator.


When looking for goods from China in bulk on these sites, you need to take into account that the majority of sellers on Aliexpress are intermediaries. On the Alibaba website, the number of direct wholesalers reaches 50%, all the rest are resellers or intermediaries. This resource is an ideal platform for the B2B sector, since it allows you to order goods in bulk from China in any quantity.

To buy a batch of goods wholesale in China from Aliexpress or Alibaba, you need to contact the seller. The letter must provide the following information:

  • your location;
  • what product are you interested in;
  • detailed characteristics of the product;
  • possible options;
  • delivery methods that suit you;
  • a way to quickly communicate with the seller (optimally - Skype).

Both companies send goods purchased in bulk from China by mail or offer their own supplier. The rating system operating on the sites allows you to compare several suppliers and choose the most safe and reliable.


Both sites operate on a prepaid basis. The minimum contribution amount is 30% before production of the goods, the remaining 70% is paid by the buyer after its production. Typically production in China takes 10-20 days depending on order volume.

The delivery time for goods purchased in bulk from China on these resources is 60 days. If after this period the buyer does not receive his order, the site returns his money. In cases where the buyer decides to buy goods wholesale in China on Alibaba and arrange delivery through cargo, then after transferring the goods to cargo and receiving confirmation of acceptance, the resource does not bear financial responsibility for it.

When purchasing a large consignment of goods or ordering expensive products from a manufacturer, for example, equipment and machines from China, you should use the services of an agent. He will check the quality of the goods by visiting the factory or port.

A manufacturing company that supplies goods wholesale from China must have its own official website or registration in online stores (Aliexpress, Alibaba, etc.). The more electronic platforms on which the manufacturer is registered, the better.

The transport company is responsible for the integrity of goods delivered in bulk from China. If the goods arrive damaged, compensation for the damage should be demanded from the logistics company.

What products do we buy wholesale from China?

We carry various goods wholesale from China and these are usually the most popular categories. For many items, we have very good terms of cooperation with manufacturers.

Equipment and machines from China

The production of machine tools and equipment in China has been launched. The Chinese constantly monitor the emergence of new technologies and actively implement them in factories. Thanks to this, the products are of excellent quality, and due to inexpensive labor, they are also available at affordable prices. Factories in China specializing in heavy industry are located in the northern and eastern regions of the country.

Electronics from China

The south of China is a leader in the production of high-quality and competitive electronics. Using advanced technologies and their own developments, Chinese manufacturers have managed to offer customers modern and functional products at fairly low prices. An excellent example is Lenovo, which produces smartphones and computers that are popular all over the world. She managed to get ahead of such market giants as Toshiba and Apple. High-quality electronics from China are presented in every store: air conditioners, TVs, food processors, mobile phones and much more.

Furniture from China

Furniture production in China has tens of thousands of artisanal workshops and modern factories. The most famous are such companies as KINWAI (Guadong Province), QM (Beijing), THE BHS (Shenzhen), SONGDREAM (Guangzhou), HUAMEI (Dongguan), FOUR SEASONS FURNITURE (Hong Kong). Modern furniture from China is a stylish design, excellent quality materials and an affordable price.

Clothes and any things from China

Clothing from China wholesale is one of the most popular types of sales in online stores and on large selling platforms. It is sewn at large clothing factories and in private workshops from modern fabrics. Clothes from China wholesale, like any other things (shoes, underwear, etc.), are characterized by low cost combined with excellent quality due to high competition between manufacturers and cheap labor. The leaders in the production of clothing and other things are the provinces of Zhejiang, Qiangsu and Guangdong.

Accessories from China

We help you order all kinds of accessories in bulk from China - from batteries and removable storage media to cases and colored pencils. It is much more profitable to purchase these goods from the manufacturer, since their cost is 2-3 times lower due to conveyor production and the use of our own raw materials. Accessories from China are made taking into account modern fashion trends and are of good quality.

Spare parts from China

With our help, you can wholesale spare parts for cars, trucks and specialized equipment in China. Spare parts from China have proven themselves to be reliable and inexpensive analogues to original parts. Mass production in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong and Shanghai allows manufacturers to charge reasonable prices for spare parts from China, making it one of the popular positions in the user market.

Raw materials from China

The production of various types of raw materials in China is on stream: every day, thousands of factories and plants located in the northern and eastern provinces of the country produce a huge amount of high-quality steel, yarn, artificial fibers, chemicals, etc. Our company will help you choose a manufacturer offering the most profitable terms of the contract, and organizes the delivery of raw materials in bulk from China.

Souvenirs from China

Chinese souvenirs are in great demand among buyers: they are great as gifts for birthdays and memorable dates, they are given as a sign of attention or as a pleasant surprise. The range of souvenirs from China is huge: from stylish Chinese lanterns to key rings and lighters. By ordering a batch of souvenirs in bulk from China with the help of Paritet Express, you will receive reasonable prices, fast and economical delivery, as well as the opportunity to expand the assortment of your store and attract new customers.

Our company will help you find and order these and any other products in bulk from China directly from the manufacturer.

How do I pay in RMB or USD for an item?

To pay for the purchase of goods in bulk from China, you can use two currencies - the yuan and the dollar. Most manufacturers prefer to be paid in dollars, but they will not refuse to pay in yuan.

When drawing up a contract for the purchase of a consignment of goods, for example, clothing from China in bulk, you can choose the most convenient method. You can enter into a direct contract with the manufacturer or sign a contract with the importer.

  • A direct contract can be settled in dollars or, in rare cases, in yuan. You transfer an amount in rubles to a Russian bank, where it is converted according to the contract into the currency indicated on your invoice. After this, a direct settlement between the bank and the plant is performed.
  • Under the contract for the importer, we carry out this procedure ourselves. You just need to make a payment to the Russian company in rubles, and we ourselves will then pay the manufacturer in dollars or yuan - at the choice of the selling party.

Difference between contracts

Features of working under a direct contract:

  • Payment for goods purchased in bulk from China is made through the foreign currency account of a Russian company under an international contract. In this case, the manufacturer in China issues an invoice for payment and the buyer in Russia makes all payments in the currency specified in the invoice.
  • All subsequent services are paid separately, namely: certification of goods, customs payments, freight.
  • Taxes are paid to government agencies and reports are kept to the tax authorities for foreign exchange transactions.

Features of working under a contract for an importer:

  • Payment for goods purchased in bulk from China, customs duties, freight, certification and subsequent costs and processes that are required when purchasing and delivering the goods are borne by the importing company, i.e. We.
  • To order a product and receive it in Russia, the client only needs to enter into an agreement with our company, which is registered in the Russian Federation, and pay according to the purchase and sale agreement. As a result, the client receives the cargo in Russia along with closing documents for the tax authorities, provided by the Russian company.

How to get a price list with prices from the manufacturer?

You can get a price list with current prices for goods by selecting the appropriate option:

  1. On one's own. To do this, you should start negotiations with the seller on an online resource. You will be required to provide information about the characteristics of the product, the estimated volume of the order, your place of residence, etc.
  2. Using Paritet Express. By placing an order with us to search for manufacturers in China, you will receive a beautifully designed price list in Russian with turnkey prices.

Why is it profitable to work with us?

Paritet Express is a company with extensive experience in the Chinese market.

Official registration, confirmed by relevant documents, gives us the right to work with partners from the Russian Federation and China.

To search for manufacturers, we have created a special department that selects only the most reliable partners from China.

Paritet Express has offices in both Russia and China.

Our database contains trusted suppliers who guarantee high quality products and offer favorable terms of cooperation.

Paritet Express is a transport company. We will not only help you find a reliable manufacturer and order goods in bulk from China, but we will also deliver your goods to the address.

We find the best prices and provide our clients with turnkey closing documents.

"Paritet Express" is a guarantee of quality and high results. Thousands of clients from different regions of Russia trust us.

How to check the quality of a product before purchasing in bulk?

Any new product needs quality control - every businessman knows this. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  1. Buy a sample and arrange for its delivery by airmail, DHL or our transport company.
  2. Personally go to the manufacturing plant, evaluate the quality of the product and place an order for wholesale purchase from China.
  3. Hire a representative to perform the quality assessment for you remotely by traveling to China. He can send a photo of the product, a video, or follow the steps specified in your instructions.

Paritet Express offers the services of experienced agents to check the quality of goods with a visit to the manufacturer.

Own business